New Website, New Start

It was about damn time. I needed a new website, one that could introduce me in less than 30 seconds, one that would tell anyone who wanted to know more about me a chance to read about the career so far, the work that I have done, what skill sets I have, and get to know what kind of a person I am.

I wanted to have a simple, clean look, with mostly written elements, very simple graphics for the thumbnails, and where I could take advantage of the latest WordPress FSE features to showcase the Power of WordPress. Björk by Anders Noren was definitely a good choice, because of all the ticks on my wish list for a theme.

The plan is to post more regularly, about WordPress, WooCommerce, mobile development, Gutenberg, coding in general, hosting, technologies, apps, tips and tricks, personal experiences and live events and stories. I still have to figure out how I’m splitting all of this content, but the fun is in the journey, right?

Like the small family that lives by the lake, retired from the frenzy of the big cities, this is a laid back space for me to share, educate, learn and maybe inspire.